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专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游


  • 工作地点:乌鲁木齐市
  • 年龄要求:18~45岁
  • 要求学历:大专
  • 招聘人数:不限
  • 工作经验:1年以上
  • 专业要求:不限


工作职责: 1.负责公司产品在医院的宣传和推广,传递正确的产品信息收集并反馈竞争产品及相关的市场信息配合市场部; 2.组织学术研讨会等市场活动; 3.协助相关部门处理当地商业、医保、招投标等工作。 任职资格: 1.医药或相关专业大专以上; 2.毕业具有2年以上本地区药品销售经验者优先; 3.熟悉医院学术推广和正规市场操作流程; 4.有较强沟通能力,诚信勤恳工作主动,自我管理能力强。  无相关工作经验者勿投,谢谢合作!


EVER Introduction<关于艾威特>Ever Neuro Pharma Ltd (company predecessor EBEWE) was founded in Vienna in 1934.  Since 1945 headquarters, research facilities and production plants have been relocated in Unterach, by the lake Attersee, near the famous world music city, Salzburg. Company has developed the business in China since 1987. In 2004, Company established the Regional Office in Hong Kong which is mainly responsible for the Asian markets in HK, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and South Korea etc. WFOE is set up in 2012 for the sales network distributed in whole China.奥地利艾威特药品有限公司(公司前身依比威)总部坐落在奥地利西北部阿塔湖和月亮湖之间的翁塔拉镇,环境幽雅,风光秀丽,毗邻世界音乐名城萨尔斯堡。1934年在维也纳创立,1945年迁至此地。公司从1987年起已开展中国市场。于2004年在香港成立亚洲有限公司主要负责香港、中国、越南、缅甸、柬埔寨、韩国等国家的销售市场。All products are made in Austria.  The Company applies the world’s most advanced technology, quality standard and scientific management methods and  strictly comply with the GMP standards being recommended by the World Health Organization, and using computers in the production management proces.  From raw materials, manufacturing process, packaging and shipping process are all in strict quality control. Thus, our products are approved by the EU and the Health Department of Austria.公司产品全部在奥地利制造,公司采用世界先进的工艺技术、质量标准和科学管理方法,严格按照世界卫生组织推荐的GMP标准,利用计算机进行严密的工序管理,从原料投入到制造过程、终包装和发货,都反复进行严格质量检查,我们的产品得到欧盟和奥地利卫生部的认可。Company focus on Neurology products. Cerebrolysin is the only nutrition for nerve cells protection which is certified by the world. It reflects the high standard of bio-engineering science. More than 50 countries in the world are using the products of EVER. We are now developing our business into globalization.公司专注于神经科领域的产品.其中施普善 (Cerebrolysin) 在世界上是被认证的神经细胞营养保护剂,体现了生物工程科学的高水平;全球超过50个国家使用艾威特的产品,我们正坚实地进一步迈向国际化。EVER established professional reserch & development team in Austria & stands among the leading pharmaceutical companies in Europe because of its world-leading chemical synthesis technology, biological engineering technology, and drug producing technology. In order to develop more new products, EVER also establishes a close R&D relationship with famous universities and research units of Austria, Germany, Japan, Canada, United States, China, Sweden etc & continues to increase investment for R&D on new products.艾威特在奥地利拥有专业的研发队伍并以其水平的化学合成技术、生物工程技术、药物生产技术跻身于欧洲著名制药企业。为了研制更多的新产品,艾威特还与奥地利、德国、日本、加拿大、美国、中国、瑞典等国著名大学、科研单位建立紧密的科研开发体制,并不断为研究开发积极投资。Owning history of over 70 years, EVER always respects the highest ethical standards and dedicates to providing high quality of products and services for the society. Employees of EVER has always been proactive and highly professional, striving for human health through our hardworking efforts.拥有七十年历史的艾威特始终尊崇的道德标准,竭尽所能为社会提供优质的产品和服务。艾威特全球员工一向积极进取,富有专业精神,力求通过我们的不懈努力,为人类的健康而奋斗。EVER Vision<公司愿景>We are an internationally recognized partner in Neurology, with a diversified portfolio of innovative and special generic drug products for the save and effective treatment of patients suffering from neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular disorders.我们是一家国际认可的脑神经科研制药公司,专门研发神经变性及脑血管疾病的治疗方案,并致力于开发经济、多元化、安全及高效的药物。EVER Mission<公司使命>We provide effective and safe therapies  for neurodegenerative, cerebrovascular disorders.我们积极提供治疗神经变性和脑血管疾病的高效及安全药物。We recognize and respond to the growing need for innovative treatments related to the aging global population .我们全力以赴,为应付全球人口老化而不断提供创新的治疗方法。Ethical conduct in all areas of business and human relations are core values for our employees .艾威特竭力维持水平的质量管理及优质产品。The production of pharmaceutical products at the highest possible quality standards.在所有业务领域和人类关系方面遵守道德操守是我们员工的核心价值观。Respect and social responsibility for our employees are essential guiding principles for our modern and future-oriented company.尊重客户、履行社会责任、推动公司成为现代化及前瞻性的企业,是艾威特对每一位员工的重点指引。



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